Flash forward over a month now and I've got less than a week left here. It's a bittersweet thing to think about. While I'm certainly ready to move on, I'm really going to miss my friends, both human and non human. I have been terrible at blogging this last month, but I don't even feel bad about it. To be honest there was a lot I couldn't really write down. But now that we are on that subject I might as well try for a cryptic explanation. We lost a couple animals last month and it hit me harder than I would have liked it to. It made me realize exactly how difficult a care taker position would be. The employees here are some of the strongest people I've ever met. Because, when an animal dies, life goes on. It has to. Especially here. There isn't time, until you get home that is, to really morn the loss of your friends. I was really amazed to watch this process in the different caretakers. They taught me more than they will ever know. Enough of that. I just wanted to say that before this process started I really didn't consider the emotional strength that it takes to do this job day in and day out. Hats off to the Farm Sanctuary California shelter care takers. This place would be lost without you and your genuine love for each and every animal here, your courageous speaking out and standing up for the best care and quality of life of these animals, and your abilities to plow through the rough times (with several mugs of hot cocoa and a handful of cookies of course!) I'm going to miss you guys.
Other things I'm going to miss? I made a list, in no particular order:
My NASA mug that I adopted from Vegan House...I might steal it.
Snagging my shirts on wire fencing (it always made me feel like I was working hard when I had holes in my shirts)
Neal and Chrissie's grumpy faces
Melvin's swagger...duh
Sitting in the sun with Geraldine
The cattle using the mule as a scratching post
All my turkey girls and their ferociously epic personalities
Olive's strut
Vegan house discussions
Vegan house cinema
Calvin's tongue
Giving Rusty belly rubs
Making silly videos
Running for dear life as Romeo tries to eat my leg
All the farm cats (Tara, I'm going to miss our chats. Matisse you are the loudest most amazing cat ever. Handsome handsome Mishka. Scully, I wish just once I could have pet you....you know you want it. Walter, my good luck closing charm. Also, to Maggie Jett, you had a short time here at the farm but I'm glad you have a new home...hope you are being nice! And of course Mr. Blaise....life will not be the same without you.)
Walking to the lake
Hank, you will always hold a special place in my heart. Such a gorgeous and gentle steer.
Feeding the chickens produce
Treats on the office table
Nibbles from Madeline
Turkey boy warm heads
Bon Bon and Way Way...Waylon's donkey lips
Oliver and Elliot being cute at anything they do
Doing photo shoots with Hombre...we are models if you didn't already know.
My baby Ramona
Being stalked by Elton
Hugging Lida
Peeking Chinese food
Getting excited to go to Chico
All my Vegan House Roomies!!!
The slapping game
The Vegan House closet...seriously, best place to shop EVER
Man there are a million more things I'm going to miss but that list is a good start. I will probably be making a couple more posts either before I leave or right after. The hoe down is in a couple days so I definitely want to show those shenanigans!
Also here's a short video I made last night that pretty much expresses how awesome this place was and how much I enjoyed every moment I was here...yes, all that in 26 seconds.
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