That's how I spent my morning. Reclining back in the arms of a lovely tree outstretched over the lake. It was beautiful. I woke up at seven this morning. It seems I just can't sleep in too well here on the farm which is okay. I catch a lot of amazing sights when I'm up this early. The morning started with a bowl of oatmeal and dates (6 days sugar free, thank you very much!) and I hiked my way up to the butte across the street. The scenery once you get to the lake here is unbelievable. I took a different path this time so I was hiking underneath the butte where all the trees are. It was extremely mystical feeling. I half expected
Kahlan Amnell to appear in her white confessor dress from
"Legend of the Seeker" (I should start that show up again). I spent a good three hours outside this morning, moving from rocks to trees just reading. What a great start to the day.
When I got back I headed to the farm to hang out with the goats and pigs a bit. Some highlights from that adventure:
Six little piggies sleeping on a hill...and Rusty.
Kanbar and her ears.
Charles Suave (I'm giving him that last name because he just is...suave) What a handsome guy!
So that was my lovely day around the farm and beyond. When I got back I did some laundry and hung it out to dry. Seriously, who doesn't want to do laundry when you've got these little babes watching?
Since they trotted up to the fence line the second they saw me hanging laundry, I went and got an apple and carrot for these guys. I mean they left the comfort of the shaded tree to come say hello! <3 Oliver and Elliot.
That is my perfect day right there!! Im glad you enjoyed it!