Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Fear and Driving

I love Eleanor Roosevelt. Kind of random, but not really. I was thinking all day today about this quote I'd heard a long time ago by her, " Do one thing everyday that scares you." I think that's a great motto to live by. Easy for me to complete as well, since I'm afraid of a lot of things. I'm a timid driver. Never really liked it too much. Mostly I hate getting lost. Today's task was taking one of the goats to the vet at UC Davis. It's a long drive, in a creaky van with mad blind spots, that I had a hard time reaching the gas pedal in. But I did it...and without getting lost. Sounds like such a tiny accomplishment doesn't it? I'm still counting it as my one scary thing I did today.  And the vet trip was great. It was really interesting going to a large animal vet clinic where they treat cows, goats, pigs etc. When I made it back I cleaned out the van and that was my day. I was looking up other Eleanor Roosevelt quotes when I got home. I wonder if she has an autobiography or something. I bet it'd be an interesting read. Anyways, one last quote that is similar in nature that I really enjoy: "You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, 'I have lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.' You must do the thing you think you cannot do." What a wise lady.

Anywhoo, San Francisco was great on Monday and Tuesday. I think I ate my way through the city. Here are some photos of our adventures:

Brian trying on suits at the Men's Warehouse and practicing his interview handshake! Haha!

The only photo that semi turned out at Gracias Madre. THE BEST margarita I've ever had in my life!

Cinnaholic cinnamon rolls. Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough and a Classic.

Fried Tofu Burger, fried, and Mac'n'cheeze at Souley Vegan

I didn't get pictures of all the food because most of them didn't turn out unfortunately. But those were the food highlights. And I just had to include that suit picture because it makes me laugh XD

1 comment:

  1. I think I gained 5lbs just looking at all of that yummy food!
